Spondon Safer Neighbourhood Team would like to make you are of changes which will see the line-up of your policing team change.
As of the 1st of September we saw PC Luke Scribbins leave Spondon SNT and head to new challenges within Derwent SNT. We would like to take this opportunity to thank PC Scribbins for all his hard work and dedication and wish him luck in his new area.
In PC Scribbins place, we would like to welcome PC 3116 Steve Meek (pictured right) who joins us from Oakwood SNT. PC Meek has been a PC based at St Marys Wharf before transferring to Oakwood SNT and now Spondon SNT. We welcome him into the team and if you see him out and about please say hello!
You team is now:
- Sgt Nick Beeston
- PC Steve Meek
- PC Vicki Marriott
- PCSO Kate Hodnett
- PCSO Tom Sheridan
- SC Lauren Smith.
Spondon SNT priorities are:
- Auto Crime
- Burglary Offences
- ASB Hobson Drive.
If you would like any further information on your new team or would like to speak with a member of the team please contact us using the non-emergency number 101.