Every year Spondon Neighbourhood Board agrees projects that are funded from a budget provided by Derby City Council from the Streetpride service.
The Board will be considering its spend plan for 2016/17 at its next meeting in December. Your ideas and suggestions are very much welcomed.
The ideas will need to show how they will help tackle one of the Boards priorities: to improve highways and transport or improve the environment or to improve safety.
The projects funded will need to address one of the following:
- Maintain and improve roads and footways
- Make roads and footways safer for residents especially the younger and older and around schools
- Improve public transport and cycling and accessibility of facilities
- Reduce vehicle parking issues, and improve public transport and cycling
- Reduce litter, flytipping, waste and dog mess
- Improve open spaces
To put your suggestions forward, contact one of your local Councillors (details here) or a Spondon Neighbourhood Board member.
To give you an idea of the sort of work typically funded from the budget, here are some of the projects funded for 2015-16:
- Speed Indicating Device (SID) installations on 4 roads - Moor St, Locko Rd, Church St & Sandringham Drive - to educate drivers to reduce speeds and to encourage drivers to drive safely
- Footway improvements on Burnside Drive to extend the lifetime of footways
- Road closures on Sitwell Street to provide a safe environment for Spondon residents to enjoy the Spondon Day and Spondon Alight events
- Free Bulky Waste collection scheme to deter fly tipping and help Spondon residents to remove bulky items
- Planting bulbs behind the Village Hall to improve the appearance of open spaces and engage schoolchildren in their community
- Improvements to open space behind the village hall to improve the area with better lighting, seating & access
- Bikeability level 1 at the four primary schools to build riding skills & confidence of pupils to encourage cycling
- Cycle Club at West Park School to develop leisure and sporting cycle skills in year 7 and 8 pupils
- Dropped kerbs on Arundel Drive to make it safer and easier for children and parents with pushchairs to cross roads on the walk to and from school